
Talent Acquisition Division (TAD)
Responsible for ensuring Strategic process within Organization to Identify, Attract, Select and Retain Competent Manpower. This process brought Efficient and Effective ways to achieve Organizational Excellence.
TAD is looking after the routine affairs of HR & D, R&D, QA and Legal Department for the smooth running of Internal Operations. In addition, it involves engaging in Fore-sighting, Aligning and Integrating Globally approved practices

Business Development Division (BDD)
Responsible for guaranteeing the Competitive Edge for Globally preferred organizations through perfect Brand Management of the ORB. It will capture both the National and International Markets.
BDD is looking after the affairs of Marketing (Exploring Awareness), Sales (Lead Generations) and Recovery (Financial Stability) in an Ethical way

Internal Audit Division (IAD)
Responsible for ensuring Transparency and Accountability in Compliances through Legal Means of Transactions at National and International levels.
IAD is looking after the affairs of Finance (Financial Planning & Management), Accounts (Financial Transactions Record), and Taxations (Compulsory Governmental Levies) in a professional way

Management Info System Division (MISD)
Responsible for ensuring the perfect and professional way of Inter and Intra-Organizational Communication through Smart Integrated Technology Solutions.
MISD is looking after the affairs of ICT from Network (Interconnected Computing Devices), Hardware (IT Infrastructure) and Software (IT Applications) perspective